29 March 2012

It's Spring, right?

I just learned the Arabic word for Spring yesterday: ربيع (rah beeya).

Slightly ironic since the weather lately has been less than "Springy" (it hailed on Tuesday). Nonetheless, it's starting to feel more and more like the warmer weather is coming about, and you know what that means! BABY ANIMALS!

I haven't really seen that many baby animals, yet, but I did catch a glimpse of new life today. My host brother knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to see something. Somehow I instinctively knew what he was going to show me...KITTENS!

Ok, ok. Those of you who know me well know that I'm not exactly a cat person (ask me to tell you about my saving Barnaby/Eleanor story sometime, though). Don't get me wrong, I love animals and think they are a wonderful, blessed part of Creation...but I just don't trust cats. I think a far more realistic film than "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" would be "Rise of the Planet Ruled by Cats". Yet, until they come to the age of understanding, baby cats are adorable. Who wouldn't want to cuddle one...unless you're allergic.

Anywho, here are some pictures from around the house of the family pets. I'm not sure you can consider the rabbits "pets", but I don't know that they are food either (I've never been around when there has been rabbit for lunch/dinner). If that thought bothers you, just pretend they are Easter rabbits that lay colored eggs. That's what I do ;)

Are those new leaf buds I see?! Looking in you can just barely see the little fuzzy ball that is the white kitten.

I don't want to name the kittens and get too attached, but this one may be called "Flopsy". There are three, you can guess the other two's names.

Bella, who has her winter coat making her about double her normal size.  She's pretty adorable, and my favorite part is that she doesn't bark incessantly at 2am like some of the other local pooches!

Easter bunnies! No, really. (Ohhhh...bad pun.) As I was checking out the kittens, Grandpa came out to feed the rabbits fresh lettuce. They were hoppy. (Never-ending puns!)

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