20 December 2011

Blessings and Future Posts Promised

I've been pretty silent on here for the past few weeks but hopefully that will be changing. Life has been moving along here quite well; there have certainly been bumps in the road, but it's an exciting road that I'm blessed to be riding on.

I have a few blog posts all lined up, just about written but not yet published, and my hope is to have them up this week. If you have a few minutes during your busy pre-Christmas week and the following Twelve Days of Christmas, take some of them to sit down and read my posts. Until then, here's a short recap of what's been going on...

School has continued per usual, with the students getting extra busy as exams began last week. Thursday is our last day of school (since we have school Monday-Thursday and Saturday, and we will have Christmas Eve off) and that will begin a two week vacation for the students. I'm excited for all of them to be done with exams; they've worked hard and deserve the time off. Of course, I won't mind the breather, either!

The Christmas celebrations in the place where it all began have finally begun! I'll be posting about the Christmas Tree lighting in Manger Square and other events that have taken place.

I've seen and experienced a lot, even in a months time. The weekend after Thanksgiving, our Jerusalem/West Bank YAGM group travelled north to Nazareth and the Galilee. It was an absolutely AMAZING experience and I'm so glad I was able to go. Pictures to come shortly!

Not everything has been sunshine and rainbows (although there was one day when I saw a double rainbow outside my apartment after a particularly rainy hour). In the next few weeks I want to share with you an experience I had travelling with the Bethlehem Bible College Choir during one of their Christmas concerts. Most of the trip was ridiculously fun, but I also witnessed a heartbreaking moment of "just how it is" over here with regards to the Occupation. The strength of the Palestinian people constantly amazes and inspires me.

So get ready for a plethora of posts, pictures, and maybe even some videos. May the remaining days of Advent keep you in patient anticipation and awe at the Incarnation and God's love for us :)

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