06 May 2011

Fundraising update!

I am absolutely blown away and sincerely humbled at the support you have all shown me since I first announced my impending year of service in Jerusalem/West Bank. From voicing your well-wishes to attending the Improv Comedy Night and Global Missions Benefit Concert, from sending cash anonymously in the mail to handing me checks on the street, I can't thank you enough for your prayers, encouragement and financial support.

I'm so very proud to announce that I am over 1/4 of the way to raising the $4,000 I need for my year of service (which covers airfare, housing, food, basic health insurance, a small bit of pocket money, and training). As of tonight, the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg community alone has raised over $1,000! This brings the grand total of funds raised to over $1,300! AMAZING!

Additionally, I've also tentatively been considered for a speaking engagement in the Fall of 2012! That is both exciting and mind-blowing! A SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT!!!! Wow! It pays to know pastors!

That is it for now; I must update the email list for my newsletters that will go out over the next year. If you're interested in being added to the list, contact me at the email located in the "How you can support Courtney" page :)

Salaam (peace)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Courtney
    Congratulations! We are very excited about your new mission! As mom and dad probably have mentioned, Good Shepherd has set allocated some funds for your ministry. We look forward to hearing from you.
    John mackey
    President, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
