08 December 2008

Prayers Please

Hi Everyone,

Quick note to say everything is winding down here at Oxford! My last paper id due Thursday and it's a whopping 4,000 words. It doesn't sound that bad, but trust me, it's going to be interesting. I still have research to do, so let's hope that goes well.

As some of you may know there have been quite a few problems in Greece lately, with riots and general unrest. Specifically this violence is targeted in Athens, where one of my best friends from Messiah (along with a good number of other Messiah students) are studying for the semester. They're almost ready to come home and it's a shame that their last days are marred by these situations. However, I would really appreciate your prayers going out to these girls as I'm sure it's hard enough being in a city where you don't completely understand the language, but to also have to be on the lookout for dangerous behaviour is a stress these girls just don't need. So please keep them in your prayers in the following weeks!

Also, if you could keep myself and my parents in your prayers, that would be appreciated. I have to perform a miracle of packing everything I've accumulated into two suitcases and my parents, especially my mom, are going to be nervous wrecks from about 6:30 am Saturday, when I leave my house, The Vines, until 10 pm when I land in Albany and have picked up my luggage.

Thanks for your continued support! Hopefully my final essay will rock everyone's socks off and I can end this year with a bang!

For those interested, my paper will be on:
Letters written by women in the 18th century and what they say about feminine social roles, and how the historical analysis of these letters plays into feminist and subaltern histories.
Oh dear Lord. How am I going to finish this in three days?

Prayers please!!!!!
Cheers =)

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