17 July 2012

Home in New York

Today begins my second day at home. My flight home was fairly uneventful, albeit a little long, and I think I may have finally kicked my jetlag (my "nap" at 5pm yesterday lasted...13 hours). I'm up and about at 6am, which is a good three hours earlier than I'd like, but it could be worse! I'm not too worried about adjusting to a normal sleep pattern here yet because in four days I leave with my sister and her family to go to Ireland for a week! 

More later!

06 July 2012

Temporary Hiatus

Hi friends,

In a few days, my blog will be going private for about a week. You won't be able to access the blog or posts, but rest assured it will be up and running again soon!

Thanks for your patience :)


03 July 2012

Loving the Enemy

Today is the last day I will be a part of the Bible study I've been participating in for the last few months. We've been going through "I Am a Palestinian Christian" by Mitri Raheb (Augsburg Fortress, 1995) and will finish it up today. One part resounded with me quite a bit and I thought I would share:

The Christian is dutybound to follow the Lord as model and thus to love the enemy. This kind of love is not some sentimental response, nor is it an abstract concept. To love one's enemy does not mean one accepts everything the enemy dishes out. It does not mean watching passively while injustice is being perpetrated. It certainly does not mean becoming resigned to the behavior of the enemy or, worse still, collaborating with the enemy. To love one's enemy means neither to cover up the conflict nor play down its seriousness, but rather to endure the tension inherent in that conflict without succumbing to hatred. One should love the persons but not he unjust acts they commit. To love one's enemy as a creature of God who has a right to live, to be forgive, and to love- but not the right to commit and unjust act. (p. 103)

Thoughts? Leave a comment!

02 July 2012

Check your inbox for my July newsletter!

I just sent out my latest newsletter. You may recognize some of the articles from the blog, as I used a lot of them. Hope you enjoy it!

Send me an email or post a comment if you didn't receive it and would like to me to make sure it gets your way.

On a completely different note: is there any way to pack people in your suitcase and bring them home? Leaving this place is going to be challenging, leaving these people, my family away from family, is going to be very difficult.